Do you work to live, or live to work? For most of us, it’s the former. We work to facilitate the life we get to enjoy outside of the office. That’s not to say that we don’t appreciate the achievement our career gives us, or the friendships we make from within the office walls. In fact, when you think about just how much time we spend in our place of work, you begin to realise how important it is to enjoy it. After all, time is our most valuable asset.
So, do you leap out of bed every morning, filled with boundless energy and inspired to take on the day ahead? If not, then you’re probably not alone. We speak to American-based couple, Sammy Courtright and Jon Cohn about how they’ve built a thriving business around rejuvenating an entire workforce to feel invigorated, healthy and genuinely happy to spend some of their precious time in the office.
What is Fitspot?
Described by co-founder Sammy Courtwright as a “tech-enabled service that delivers hospitality-driven, on-site and digital amenities to property groups nationwide”, essentially what Fitspot does is make life great for workers, employees, tenants of office spaces and anyone co-existing in a place of work.
They offer “on-site services such as, fitness classes, juice bars, and health screenings” and their hi-tech platform then measures “metrics, integrates with digital partners, and streamlines programming from start to finish”.
A juice bar, in the office? Available for all staff after a high-intensity workout… sounds ideal to us, and far more energy boosting than last night’s leftover ‘wilted-lettuce’ salad for lunch. We highly doubt you’d get the afternoon slumps after that routine. Not only that, but we also imagine that after sharing such a fun and uplifting experience together as a team – morale would be at an all time high. It’s like a Friday pub lunch, except you’re actually able to be productive afterwards…

The Fitspot family
Started by Sammy and Jon four years ago, the (unsurprisingly, very fit) couple find working together to have it’s challenges and its benefits. With Sammy highlighting the “innate trust” between one another as something “that makes running our company much more seamless.”
The two split their tasks within the business based on their strengths as individuals, as Sammy puts it – “Jon and I possess different skill sets. Jon comes from a financial background and is able to think really big picture, while I am all about the execution and scale.”
When asked about challenges around working with a partner, Sammy mentions they “live and breathe Fitspot”, so it can be difficult to switch off and take some time away from the business. They manage this fairly well by allocating specific time out, “over the past few years, we have made a point to take (and enjoy!) our vacations so that we can recharge as a couple and come back refreshed and ready to tackle new territory.”
A family, working to help create a family-feel within our work days. Sammy and Jon have been really innovative in the way that they’ve found their niche in this market. Identifying a market need and evolving the business over time, from its initial beginnings as a personal training app to what it is today.
We’ll just be here, waiting for them to expand Fitspot internationally – from the USA to down under. And if Sammy and Jon’s determination is anything to go by, we’d say it’s not far off. Watch this space.


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