

Harry Georje has dedicated his life to creating spectacular jewellery for his clients through craftsmanship and attention to detail – from eye-catching engagement rings and necklaces of rare beauty, to exquisite bracelets. Everything he does is a labour of love. Harry talks to Brands of Kin about the other most precious things in his life – his two boys Daniel and Paul. They’ve both recently entered the family business and we caught up with them to hear what it’s like.


Harry Georje is a De Beers Award Winning Australian Jeweller. For the last 30 years he has been running his own highly-respected diamond jewellery studio in Sydney.

My biggest inspiration is my family, and I’ve always wanted to give them the best I can. I want to leave my sons a legacy that they can carry on. For them to one day take over the business and reach even greater heights would mean absolutely everything.

Seeing them grow and understand business life is very satisfying – and I’m extremely happy that I’m able to pass all my experience, knowledge and wisdom to them both. There’s so much to learn from them too; from the technological side (being gen Y they were born into technology, so that in itself is priceless), to how they look at life, which is very different to my generation.

I’ve always been open to learning no matter who I deal with. But what I learn from the boys in turn keeps me very young, which I’m certainly grateful for.

Integrating Daniel and Paul has actually been quite an easy process. They were both pursuing other career paths but are quick learners and it’s made my life a little easier as both of them took interest in different parts of the business.

In terms of challenges, the hardest part is the fact that sometimes home comes to work. The key is finding ways to manage it without letting it get out of hand. Being a jewellery design company, we need to be free from day-to-day family stuff as it can cloud our creativity.

My advice for other family business is simple; truly believe in yourself and in your family, pass on your experiences with each other, go full force on your goals, and never listen to others who have not run a family business.


Daniel takes on the role of lead designer and also overlooks and manages operations. From sketching a final design to making sure a piece is being made on time and to the highest quality, he makes sure it all gets done.

Working in a family business means you’re putting all your energy and time into helping to make your family successful. And, if the company is successful, then your family will be too. That’s definitely the best thing.

Balancing home life with work life is the hardest part for sure. Being quite a tight-knit passionate family, when situations at home make their way to the office, it can get a little distracting! Also, having a brother so close in age unfortunately means here and there we clash. But, we know once we walk out of the house that our problems stay at the door.

Working with Dad is great; I get to be taught by the best in the business when it comes to design, jewellery and diamonds, which is absolutely priceless. Working with my brother Paul means we can bounce knowledge back and forth, always being able to have a laugh.

I’d love to eventually hand the business down to my future kids and for that legacy to continue from generation to generation.


Paul is a trainee jeweller under the supervision of his father Harry. He’s currently learning all he can about the art of making jewellery.

The best thing about working in a family business is working with people you trust and care about – and understanding that we’re all in this together, supporting each other whilst working towards a common goal.

In terms of the worst, that’s probably the fact that sometimes there will be a family issue that can have a negative impact when it comes to performing at work.

But overall, it’s great working with my dad and brother. The work environment is more relaxed and we all work very well together. My dream is to eventually take over my father’s role with Daniel, and to make him proud by exceeding his expectations.


“To me there are no secrets in becoming successful. You always have to have a reason followed by goals. Setting goals and achieving them is the key. I am relentless in chasing after my goals; I am very focused, determined and always strive to better myself. I realised at an early age that I am not afraid of hard work and have become very strong mentally. I have this motto that I go by, ‘Good Better Best’, and that keeps me going.”

Words: Emma Scott


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